
Our Mission
Willandra will achieve high literacy outcomes, with the whole school community working together to support every student to reach their individual potential.

All students have the potential to learn, but learn at different rates and in different ways. Students learn best when their prior knowledge is valued, they are nurtured in a safe and supportive environment, and good relationships exist throughout the school community. (Principles of Teaching and Learning in Curriculum Framework)

The teaching of literacy must be explicit and systematic, reflecting research and best practice. Effective teachers incorporate a variety of teaching strategies and multisensory learning experiences, acknowledging and catering for individual students’ learning styles. A range of text types are studied in an integrated, cross-curricular approach which uses real-life contexts and collaborative learning. Routines are well-established with a standard literacy block structure being used across the school.

A whole school, systematic schedule of prescribed assessments and monitoring tools are implemented. Data is tracked over time, and is used for improvement, to drive instruction and to assist in planning professional development to address areas of need. A variety of tools is used, and there is active student involvement in the process of assessment, learning and goal-setting.

Relevant information is reported to the school community on a regular and timely basis. The method of reporting is sensitive to the school context and individual family needs, incorporating a range of approaches, both formal and informal.

Working as a collaborative team
Willandra staff work with the wider community to ensure all students are presented with the best learning environment in which to learn English language and literacy skills. All stakeholders have a role to play in improving students’ learning outcomes and are involved in the consultation process.

Our Vision

At Willandra, we are committed to achieving the best possible literacy outcomes for all students, regardless of gender, race and ability. Individual students are supported to show maximum progress and levels of achievement reflecting individual potential, and community/ family links are established to strengthen literacy outcomes.