Willandra Primary School Board consists of Members of the Administration, teaching staff and community members and the board meets once a term. Community members represent parents, a member for local government and a member from the School Curriculum Standards Authority.

Willandra School Board is operating effectively. Board members are engaged and proactive. Targets include:

  • Maintaining and enhancing Induction processes.

  • Visiting and updating the Business Plan, Workforce Plan and DPA regularly outlining key focus areas and developments towards targets.

The School Board will:

  • Continue to explore opportunities to further develop community understanding of its role and responsibilities.

  • Become actively involved in reviewing school performance against the Delivery Performance Agreement (DPA) including the conduct
    and analysis of school surveys and endorsing of Annual Reports.

  • Continue to develop its capacity to fulfil the governance role outlined in the DPA.

Meeting Dates

Board members meet on Tuesday in Week 6 of every term.